A learner has special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which requires special educational provision. There are some things for instructors that will help all learners, but particularly those with disabilities. These include: a clear outline of each lesson; a clear, unambiguous language; information in a variety of forms; repetition.

Technology provides opportunities for communication, collaboration and sharing that enable the leaners to participate in their learning rather than simply receive it. Using their own devices will allow students to access rich content or use it to provide evidence in the form of audio, photos, or video.

Supporting students’ learning with ASD. Autism is a spectrum condition which means that although there are some difficulties which all autistic people share, the condition manifests itself in many different ways. Individuals will have highly personal needs and preferences so there is no overall solution to their support. Adjustments such as use of videos, text-to-speech, graphics including photos and diagrams can be made to help learners with ASD.

Here is a video of useful tips in teaching ASD children