Author: robertsunyq

Peer Review for Pod 8

I think this is a very well developed learning resource and everything is clear to read. I like how you address inclusion specifically in your project as something important to note. You show great awareness to people with learning difficulties as you mentioned the learning ability and voice of people with colour blindness and English language learners are significant and necessary for a successful learning environment. I think these two are very good examples and I’m also an ELL student. If I have a class like this and feel empowered and cared, it will boost up my motivation for learning. So good job on doing that part!

For the information of the course content, you illustrate it by using powerpoint slides and I think it’s a good way. However, there are too many information on the slides which make it hard to follow. My advice is that make the information on powerpoint slide brief and clear. I know there are lots of information need to be delivered, however, you can record the voice speech for each slide of your powerpoint. I think that will give extra points to your project! You also have videos for learners to support their learning which is great.

For your assignments, I think those are high quality assignments because they give learners opportunities to interact and therefore create a positive learning environment. I like how the assignments are mostly students-based, which instructors don’t have lots of control of the content of the assignments. Students may benefit from this type of learning (open pedagogy) and could contribute in developing new knowledge.

Great work overall! I hope my suggestion helps a little! Best of luck of the rest of your semester!

EDCI 335 post #4: Interaction

In this blog post I choose YouTube as my video source. Here is the video I selected for interactive learning.

What kind of interaction would the video require from your students? Does it force them to respond in some way (inherent)?

This video is very simple and easy to follow. I don’t think it requires any interaction. However, I do believe students will reflect inherently which they will go through some mental process. The video is actually very interesting and the content is closely related to our everyday life. I think most of students can have an idea of what they have learned from the video at the end.

In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g. make notes, do an activity, think about the topic (learner-generated)?

I think they are likely to respond to the video mentally. I think here teachers can do more for students by grouping up people and let them share their thoughts through interaction.

What activity could you suggest that they do, after they have watched the video (designed)? What type of knowledge or skill would that activity help develop? What medium or technology would students use to do the activity?

I encourage them to do some monitoring on their activities and have them shared after a week. I encourage them to apply knowledge in the video to real life and have an eye to how the process goes. I want them to develop comprehending and applying skills. After they share their work, they got opportunities to develop communication, even presenting skills. The technology students might need for this project is a phone. They can download apps on phone where they can track their daily activities such as calories intake.

How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?

I’ll watch the presentations (recorded) and give them feedback immediately. They will get opportunities to present to their peers and their peers will also give them feedback, vice versa. At the end I’ll ask them to revise their presentation (optional).

EDCI 335 post #3: Inclusive Learning Design

A learner has special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which requires special educational provision. There are some things for instructors that will help all learners, but particularly those with disabilities. These include: a clear outline of each lesson; a clear, unambiguous language; information in a variety of forms; repetition.

Technology provides opportunities for communication, collaboration and sharing that enable the leaners to participate in their learning rather than simply receive it. Using their own devices will allow students to access rich content or use it to provide evidence in the form of audio, photos, or video.

Supporting students’ learning with ASD. Autism is a spectrum condition which means that although there are some difficulties which all autistic people share, the condition manifests itself in many different ways. Individuals will have highly personal needs and preferences so there is no overall solution to their support. Adjustments such as use of videos, text-to-speech, graphics including photos and diagrams can be made to help learners with ASD.

Here is a video of useful tips in teaching ASD children

EDCI 335 post #2: Open Pedagogy

The term “open pedagogy” expresses the aspiration to improve learning processes through more teaching practices that involve technology, such as the use of social media to encourage an open learning. Open pedagogy is the natural progression of integrating socially just principles of human relations and the potential of current technology into the educational system.Furthermore, open pedagogy encourages students to learn in an unrestricted environment. If teachers and students can modify their textbooks and learning materials, open pedagogy shift the student emphasis to contribution to knowledge as opposed to simple consumption of knowledge.

Hegarty (2015) describes eight attributes of open pedagogy:

  • Participatory technologies: Socially constructed media such as blogs, forums that encourage interactions from learners.
  • People, openness and trust: The trust should be built to create an open environment for learnings and students’ participation and interactions can flourish from it.
  • Innovation and creativity: Emphasis on choosing digital technologies and methods and finding new models of teaching that encourage the sharing of knowledge.
  • Sharing ideas and resources: An open pedagogy needs students to share willingly within a connected and caring professional community.
  • Connected community: A linked community with common interests and goals
  • Learner-generated: This allows students to take the lead, solve problems, and work collectively to produce an effective learning environment.
  • Reflective practice: When students and teachers collaborate in partnerships, it facilitates deeper pedagogical reflection
  • Peer review: Peer interactions can go as far as making evaluation for others’ work and give suggestions in a respectful environment.

Here is a Youtube video that demonstrates open pedagogy

How does open pedagogy connect with the topic of Nutrition Education

For my group’s Blueprint project and Interactive Learning Resource project, open pedagogy is implemented and utilized in almost every aspect of our project. We created our interactive resource to make every student feel free about learning and our goal is to provide an easy learning environment. Our interactive resource is more student-centered which student can learn on their own pace. We aim to build trust between instructors and learners and encourage students to participate and interact with their peers. The base for interaction and participation we used is called Figma, a technology that make it easier to get people involved in the collaboration process. Therefore, open pedagogy aligns with our interactive project perfectly.

Some personal thoughts on open pedagogy

Open pedagogy lets us get beyond the traditional transmission of information to students and moves education toward student-centered, authentic assessment that could improve outcomes of learning. On a more personal level, learning under an open pedagogy environment gives me more room and space to work. I feel more comfortable when instructors provide an encouraging environment. I think learning is most effective when students can somehow teach the topic and make contribution to knowledge. Open pedagogy is doing exactly that and allow students to achieve their full potentials.


Hegarty, B. (2015). Attributes of Open Pedagogy: A Model for Using Open Educational Resources. Educational Technology, 55(4), 3–13.

Learning Theory post #1

I’ve had many great moments as a student but perhaps the best moment took place in my last year’s psychology course, PSYC 339. This online course was so well delivered and I felt I learned a lot from this course. I’ve taken many assignments, projects throughout my academic years, however, none of them made me feel as productive as the project I did in PSYC 339. We were asked to write a final essay in PSYC 339, just like a general university course’s final project. However, in order to write the essay, there are some practical work that I need to finish first. The project is about life interviewing with an older adult, then assess the effectiveness of a life review to the older adult and apply what we learned in class. The reason why I love this project is I think this project is so practical and it challenged me in a good way. It allows me to be an actual therapist and apply the concepts I learned from class to the real world situation. In my opinion, learning concepts are good but they limit our ability to apply them into the real world. The ability to use the knowledge and make the knowledge work is something we should be focusing on. I think the way to test our understanding of concepts and theories is how well we apply these knowledge in real life situations. Another advantage of this kind of learning is that some students might put their heart in it and work very hard because this type of learning feels like “you are really doing something big”. Exams and readings are necessary for learning for sure, but they are just not practical. Some students may got discouraged by a failing grade on their exam. I hope there will be more opportunities like this in the future.

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